MM UPDATE: Applications for the 2016-2017 Academic Year

Applications are open for the 2016-2017 Academic Year!

Minds Matter Boston is committed to making college education a reality for accomplished high school students from low-income families since we first opened our doors in 2003. Students are paired with two mentors and spend time during weekly mentoring sessions working on summer and college applications, standardized test preparation, community service efforts, writing and speaking skills, and other life skills that benefit the student academically and personally. 

We are looking for motivated, talented high school students and passionate, diverse young professionals to join Minds Matter Boston for the 2016-2017 Academic Year.

If you're interested in becoming a...

  • MENTEE: Applications can find found here and will be accepted through Thursday, May 19th (first round) and Thursday, September 22nd (second round).
  • MENTOR: Applications can be submitted online and will be accepted through Friday, September 23rd.

Please email us ( if you have any questions.